New Orleans DSA Elections '22

New Orleans DSA will be holding officer elections in June!

DSA is based on worker self-organization and internal democracy, and next month we'll be holding elections for several important leadership roles! Below is a list of officer positions being voted on. All positions except Treasurer Trustee are elected for a term of one year. No position can be held more than two consecutive terms, except At-Large Council Members, who can only serve a single term. You can find full details on the roles and how our elections work in our Bylaws.

Any member in good standing can run. Candidates must be nominated by another member to run (no one may nominate themselves). To nominate a member, email or let a chapter officer know your nomination(s). There’s no limit on how many people you can nominate. The nomination period is open until June 5th.


(Two Positions Being Elected)

The two Co-Chairs are the executive officers of the chapter. They are responsible for planning and running Local Council meetings, General Meetings, and Chapter Conventions. They are also responsible for coordination and communication with other DSA chapters and the national DSA organization. Per our bylaws, “At least one Co-Chair must not identify as white, cisgender, and male; both Co-Chairs must also identify as working-class.” Our current Co-Chairs are Nadia E. and Trey D.


The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes of all General Membership and Local Council meetings, as well as publishing and organizing minutes, resolutions, reports, and other official records of the DSA New Orleans chapter. The records of the chapter need to be there for future members (including future Secretaries) to access. Past Secretaries have also played an important role in writing new bylaws and other chapter documents. The Secretary assumes the responsibility of Co-Chair if both Co-Chairs and the Membership Chair are unable to fill their roles. The Secretary position is currently vacant.

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair focuses on the well-being and organization of our chapter membership. The Membership Chair maintains the chapter's records of contact information and membership status for comrades so we know who can vote and participate in member-only functions. The Membership Chair also assumes the responsibilities of Co-Chair if one of the elected Co-Chairs is unable to fulfill their responsibilities, and is the official tie-breaker if the two Co-Chairs cannot come to an agreement. The Membership Chair is required to audit the financial records of the chapter each year. Our current Membership Chair is Patrick D.


The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing and reporting the administration of funds, budget, and financial organization of the chapter, including fundraising activities for the Local. The Treasurer provides a report to the Local Council on the financial status of the organization at each Local Council meeting and General Meeting. The Treasurer also maintains transparent and open financial reports available to the entire membership upon request by an officer of the Local Council. Our Current Treasurer is Lauren O.

Treasurer Trustee

There are two Treasurer Trustee positions that are in place to assist the chapter Treasurer and keep them accountable. Treasurer Trustees can fill in for Treasurer duties when they are unavailable, and are there to make sure all chapter finances are not overseen by a single member. There are two Treasurer Trustee positions that serve staggered terms, so the chapter will be electing one Trustee this year. This helps maintain our chapter knowledge and consistent practices.

At-Large Local Council Members

(Two Positions Being Elected)

The two At-Large LC positions are flexible leadership roles which can include the creation and facilitation of Chapter projects, assisting with ongoing work, or serving as a mobilizer or coordinator for projects that involve multiple groups within the organization. Per New Orleans DSA bylaws, at least one At-Large Council Member must not identify as white, cisgender, and male. Our current At-Large Council Members are Allison T. and Lori D.